How to Easily Organise When Moving House |
When you’ve moved home and all of your furniture, clothing, pots and pans seem to be cluttering up your new space it's easy to be disheartened and think you’ll never get everything unpacked and put away in the right place.
But now that your struggle with estate agents and removal companies is over we have a few tips that could help you get on top of things and make the aftermath of the last few hectic weeks of packing a bit easier and more enjoyable.
Everyone knows that moving house is the ideal time to take stock of your belongings and decide what your going to keep, where they are going to be stored or displayed and what really need replacing.
Does your furniture fit in your new space? Does the style match that of your new home? Do you need more storage?The first thing to do is have a good look at your new home. In your initial viewing you probably didn’t take stock of how big the cupboards were or even how many! Explore every room, including loft space, sheds and garages – you may even find a few nice surprises!
The first thing to do in the bedroom is make the beds & hang the curtains. Having fresh clean bed linen really make a difference and will help you to feel more relaxed and at home, the addition of curtains means you can slip straight into bed after a difficult day of unpacking & decision making.
Ideally, your new bathroom would have enough storage space to keep your lotions and potions hidden away and dust free (anything to make bathroom cleaning quicker!). Maybe somewhere to store towels other than in another room or an airing cupboard? What about a laundry bin that doubles as a shelving unit? Making decisions now will save you time & money later on.
Living Room
Our main living space should be calm, neat and tidy, but we all know that this is an ideal which is rarely achievable. Unless you think outside the box – or rather put things inside! Why not use a coffee table with built in storage drawers? How about a neat looking cupboard which can hide away all of your CD’s, DVD’s and books? Maybe a tall thin set of shelves to provide maximum storage and display area but using very little floor space.
Above all keep a few simple rules in mind when arranging your new home:
Do you use it? Does it do the job effectively? Does it look good? Do you need it?The golden rule is: if its broken, out of date, doesn’t fit, no use to you or anyone you know – throw it away or, these days: sell it at a car boot, online or in the free papers – make your unwanted items into cash so you can buy things you need & want for your new home!